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5 Essential Items to Pack for Holiday Travel

5 Essential Items to Pack for Holiday Travel
5 Essential Items to Pack for Holiday Travel

The holiday season is right around the corner, and many of us are getting ready for that long-awaited vacation. Whether you're visiting family and friends or flying to a tropical destination, packing efficiently is essential for a stress-free trip. To help you prepare, here’s our 5 must-have items to pack for holiday travel (assuming clothing, toiletries, and travel documents are on your list already)! 


1) Health Kit

A well-prepared health kit is a must for any traveler. It's better to be safe than sorry, so make sure your health kit includes:

  • First Aid: bandages, alcohol wipes, over-the-counter medicine

  • Personal protection: hand sanitizer, insect repellent, sunscreen

  • Medicine: antacid, over-the-counter painkillers, motion sickness medication, allergy medication (and don’t forget your prescription medication!) 

        2) Tech Kit

        Nowadays, our devices are essential for travel, so having a compact tech organizer is a game changer! Your tech kit should have a portable charger, charging cables, travel adapters (if needed), and headphones for an enjoyable ride or flight. Packing up your tech accessories will save you a headache from digging through your bag AND when you forget to charge your phone!


        3) Travel Pillow

        A comfortable travel pillow is a must, especially for long journeys. Whether it’s a basic neck pillow or a big stuffed animal, having something comfortable to rest on will make your life (and body) better. It'll help you catch some quality sleep and get to where you need to be well-rested and ready to go!


        4) Travel Sized Electrolyte Packets

        Have you ever woken up from a nap on the plane feeling dehydrated? Or scrambling to find a gas station to buy water on the drive back to your hometown? Long flights and strenuous drives can take a toll on your hydration levels.

        Thankfully, we have the perfect solution to stay hydrated. Our single-serving electrolyte sticks are designed for these times! Simply add one Vitalyte stick pack to 16oz of water and you’re all set. Our electrolyte mixes are fast absorbing, tasty, and are free of additives! With electrolytes, you can maintain your energy levels and prevent dehydration on your special holiday trip.

        5) Reusable Water Bottle

        Tying in with our previous point, bringing a reusable water bottle is key to staying hydrated. Not only does it save you money, but it also helps reduce plastic waste. Many airports and hotels have filtered water stations now, making it easy to get fresh water anywhere you go! Fill it up before you leave your house and you’ll thank yourself later. Stay hydrated and help minimize your environmental footprint.


        We hope these items made it your holiday packing list! Don't forget to order our Single-serving Electrolyte Stick Packs to ensure you stay properly hydrated and energized, no matter where your holiday adventures take you. Safe travels, and enjoy your well-deserved break!


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